Building a PKI using Terraform
As part of building a hybrid infrastructure, I explored different technologies for achieving a stable VPN connection from on-premises to the AWS Infrastructure and found AWS’ Client-to-Site feature nested within AWS VPC. I explored this prior to AWS Site-to-Site VPN as I didn’t have the right setup for handling IPSec/L2TP tunnels at the time, and had OpenVPN already handy from my MacBook.
Since I would be using OpenVPN (As that’s what AWS Client VPN uses), I require TLS certificates as a method of authentication and encryption. While AWS provides certificate management features, it does have a cost, making it less suitable for my testing requirements.
I’ve opted to use Terraform to create a custom PKI solution locally, and to prepare for the re-use in larger infrastructure projects.
Working Environment
- Machine
- MacBook Pro M2
- Technologies
- Terraform
Terraform Module Breakdown
terraform {
required_providers {
tls = {
source = "hashicorp/tls"
pkcs12 = {
source = "chilicat/pkcs12"
I’m making use of the following modules within my Terraform project
- hashicorp/tls
- For generating the private keys, certificate requests and certificates themselves
- chilicat/pkcs12
- For combining the private key & certificate together, a requirement for using OpenVPN client without embedding the data inside the *.ovpn configuration file (which didn’t come out-of-the-box from AWS)
* Private key for use by the self-signed certificate, used for
* future generation of child certificates. As long as the state
* remains unchanged, the private key and certificate should not
* re-update at every re-run unless any variable is changed.
resource "tls_private_key" "pem_ca" {
algorithm = var.algorithm
I’ve made the algorithm of the certificates controllable from a global variable due to customer requirements possibly needing to adopt a different level of encryption. This resource returns a PEM-formatted key.
* Generation of the CA Certificate, which is in turn used by
* the and submodules to generate child
* certificates
resource "tls_self_signed_cert" "ca" {
private_key_pem = tls_private_key.pem_ca.private_key_pem
is_ca_certificate = true
subject {
country = var.ca_country
province = var.ca_province
locality = var.ca_locality
common_name = var.ca_cn
organization = var.ca_org
organizational_unit = var.ca_org_name
validity_period_hours = var.ca_validity
allowed_uses = [
I then used the tls_self_signed_cert
resource to generate the CA certificate itself, providing the private key generated prior into the private_key_pem
attribute. Again, by providing global variables for the ca subject and validity, I’m able to re-run the same terraform module for multiple clients under different workspaces (or by referencing this into larger modules).
The subject fields I had decided to expose are a way to describe exactly what and where the TLS certificate belongs to without needing to dive back into the module.
By adding cert_signing
and crl_signing
to the allowed_uses list, it adds permissions to the certificate for signing child certificates. This is essential as I would still need to generate the certificates for the OpenVPN server and the client.
This resource returns a PEM-formatted certificate.
* Return the certificate itself. It's the responsibility of
* the user of this module to determine whether the certificate should
* be stored locally, transferred or submitted directly to a cloud
* service
output "ca_certificate" {
value =
sensitive = true
description = "generated ca certificate"
Finally, I return the CA Certificate and its’ key from the module for the user to place it where it needs to be, for example;
To a local file
resource "local_file" "ca_key" {
content_base64 = module.pki.ca_private_key
filename = "${path.module}/certs/ca.key"
resource "local_file" "ca" {
content_base64 = module.pki.ca_certificate
filename = "${path.module}/certs/ca.crt"
To the AWS Certificate Manager
resource "aws_acm_certificate" "ca" {
private_key = module.pki.ca_private_key
certificate_body = module.pki.ca_certificate
Server & Client Certificates
resource "tls_cert_request" "csr" {
for_each = var.clients # or var.servers
private_key_pem = tls_private_key.pem_clients[each.key].private_key_pem
# or pem_servers[each.key]
dns_names = [each.key]
subject {
country = try(, try(,
province = try(each.value.province, try(var.default_client_subject.province, var.default_subject.province))
locality = try(each.value.locality, try(var.default_client_subject.locality, var.default_subject.locality))
common_name = try(, try(,
organization = try(, try(,
organizational_unit = try(each.value.ou, try(var.default_client_subject.ou, var.default_subject.ou))
Regardless of whether generating a server or client TLS certificate, both need to go through the ‘certificate request’ process, which is to;
- Generate a private key for the server or client
- Generate a certificate signing request based on the private key
- Using the CSR to get a CA-signed certificate
In this example, I made use of the try
block to achieve a value priority in the following order;
- Resource-level
- Do I have a value specific to the server or client?
- Class-level
- Do I have a value specific to the target type?
- Module-level
- Do I have a global default?
And each
refers to a key / value pair that is identical for clients as it is servers, where the key is the machine name and the value is the subject data. Here is a sample of the *.tfvars.json
file that drives this behaviour.
"clients": {
"mbp": {
"country": "GB",
"locality": "GB",
"org": "ZAI",
"org_name": "ZAI",
"province": "GB"
In an ideal (and secure) scenario, the private keys should never be transmitted over the wire, instead, you generate a CSR and transmit that. Since this is aimed for test environments, security is not a concern for me. Should I want to do the generation securely, I’ve exposed the following variable as a way to override the CSR generation.
variable "client_csrs" {
type = map
description = "csrs to use instead of generating them within this module"
default = {}
Getting the signed certificate
resource "tls_locally_signed_cert" "client" {
for_each = var.clients
cert_request_pem = tls_cert_request.csr_client[each.key].cert_request_pem
ca_private_key_pem = tls_private_key.pem_ca.private_key_pem
ca_cert_pem =
validity_period_hours = var.client_certificate_validity
allowed_uses = [
"server_auth", # for server-side
"client_auth", # for client-side
Once the *.csr
is generated (or provided), I’m able to use the tls_locally_signed_cert
resource type to connect that data with the CA Certificate for signing against the private key of the CA Certificate. The cert_request_pem
, ca_private_key_pem
and ca_cert_pem
inputs allow me to do so using the raw PEM format, without needing to save to disk before passing the data in.
Relying on the data within the terraform state file allows me to also rule out any “external influence” when troubleshooting, as there will be only a single source of truth.
Adding either server_auth
or client_auth
(depending on use-case) to allowed_uses
permits the use of the signed certificate for authentication, as required by OpenVPN.
Converting from *.PEM to PCKS12
resource "pkcs12_from_pem" "client" {
for_each = var.clients
ca_pem =
cert_pem = tls_locally_signed_cert.client[each.key].cert_pem
private_key_pem = tls_private_key.pem_client[each.key].private_key_pem
password = "123" # Testing purposes
encoding = "legacyRC2"
Using the pkcs12_from_pem
resource type from chilicat makes this process simple, as long as I have access to the private key in addition to the certificate and ca.
For compatibility with the OpenVPN Connect application, I needed to enforce the encoding of legacyRC2
, rather than the modern encryption that’s offered by easy-rsa.
Returning the certificates
output "client_certificates" {
value = [ for cert in tls_locally_signed_cert.client : cert.cert_pem ]
description = "generated client certificates in ordered list form"
sensitive = true
Finally, I return the generated certificates and their *.p12
equivalent from the module. I mark this data as sensitive due to the inclusion of private keys.
For the value, I needed to iterate over a list of resources (as I had used the foreach
input earlier to handle a key/value pair) and re-build a single list with the result.
As mentioned above, it is then the responsibility of the user to determine what to do with the generated certificates, be it storing them locally or pushing them to AWS.