Artur Carter

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Zak Abdel-Illah
Automation Enthusiast
  • 📍 Location
    🇬🇧 London
  • AWS Solutions Architect - Associate
  • Python
  • Go
  • Ansible
  • Linux
  • Terraform
  • Kubernetes

Deploying AWS Site-to-Site on OpenWRT

December 10, 2024

I want to connect to resources on AWS from my home with the least operational overhead, leading me to deploy AWS Site-to-Site for connecting resources from my home to a VPC.

The Environment

Some resources I want to access are;

  • G4dn.xlarge EC2 instances used for streaming games
  • t2.micro EC2 instances hosting Home Assistant
  • RDS (PostgreSQL) instances for hosting OpenStreetMap data

Home Environment

When setting up a connection from AWS to my home, I have to consider the following specifications;

  • I live in West London, relatively close to the eu-west-2 data center
    • I have a VPC in eu-west-2 running on the network
  • I use a publicly-offered ISP for accessing the internet
  • There are two hops (routers) between the public internet and my home network
    • The first hop is the router provided by the ISP to connect to the internet
      • This network lives on the subnet
    • The second hop is my own off-the-shelf router from ASUS running OpenWRT
      • My home network lives on the subnet
      • The router has 8MB of usable storage for packages and configuration

Setting up AWS Site-to-Site

AWS Site-to-Site is one of Amazon’s offerings for bridging an external network to a VPC over the public internet. Some alternatives are;

  • AWS Client VPN (based on OpenVPN)
    • More expensive
    • More complex, often tends to be slower without optimization
  • Self-managed VPN
    • Allows use of any VPN technology, such as Wireguard
    • Allows custom metric monitoring
    • Requires management of VPC topologies and firewalls
    • Can be more expensive

I chose to use the Site-to-Site in this occasion so I could learn about how IPSec works in more detail, and saw it as a challenge in deploying to OpenWRT. It’s also a lot cheaper than a firewall license, EC2 rental and public IP charges.

Deploying a Virtual Private Gateway

A Virtual Private Gateway is the AWS-side endpoint of an IPSec tunnel. It also hosts the configuration of the local BGP instance, and is what drives the propagation of routes between the IPSec tunnels and the VPC routing tables.

Dashboard view of the Virtual Private Gateway. I rely on an ASN generated by Amazon for this instance.
resource "aws_vpn_gateway" "main" {
  vpc_id =

There’s not much to configure with the VPG, so I left it with its’ defaults.

Deploying a Customer Gateway

A customer gateway represents the local end of the IPSec tunnel and the BGP daemon running on it. In my case, this is the OpenWRT router.

Dashboard view of the customer gateway, which represents my OpenWRT Router itself and the BGP daemon running on it. AWS by default provides an ASN of 65000, but I don’t have any need to customize it.
resource "aws_customer_gateway" "openwrt" {
  bgp_asn    = 65000
  ip_address = "<WAN Address of OpenWRT>"
  type       = "ipsec.1"

Deploying a Site-to-Site VPN Connection

The VPN Connection itself is what connects a VPG (AWS Endpoint) to a customer gateway (Local endpoint) in the form of an IPSec VPN connection.

Dashboard view of the Site-to-Site VPN. Everything is left as the default. For the purposes of building the automated workflow and testing connectivity, local and remote network CIDRs are
resource "aws_vpn_connection" "main" {
  customer_gateway_id =
  vpn_gateway_id      =
  type                = aws_customer_gateway.openwrt.type

  tunnel1_ike_versions = ["ikev1", "ikev2"]
  tunnel1_phase1_dh_group_numbers = [2, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]
  tunnel1_phase1_encryption_algorithms = ["AES128", "AES128-GCM-16", "AES256", "AES256-GCM-16"]
  tunnel1_phase1_integrity_algorithms = ["SHA1", "SHA2-256", "SHA2-384", "SHA2-512"]
  tunnel1_phase2_dh_group_numbers = [2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]
  tunnel1_phase2_encryption_algorithms = ["AES128", "AES128-GCM-16", "AES256", "AES256-GCM-16"]
  tunnel1_phase2_integrity_algorithms = ["SHA1", "SHA2-256", "SHA2-384", "SHA2-512"]


These (tunnel1_*) are the default values set by AWS and should be locked down. For the purpose of testing, I left them all to their defaults. This settings are directly tied to the IPSec encryption settings described below.

Connecting OpenWRT via IPSec

Ansible Role Variables

I’ve designed my Ansible role to be able to configure AWS IPSec tunnels with the bare minimum configuration. All information that the role requires is provided by Terraform upon provisioning of the AWS Site-to-Site configuration.

bgp_remote_as: "64512"
  - ifid: "301"
    name: xfrm0
    inside_addr: <Inside IPv4>
    gateway: <Endpoint Tunnel 1>
    psk: <PSK Tunnel 1>
  - ifid: "302"
    name: xfrm1
    inside_addr: <Inside IPv4>
    gateway: <Endpoint Tunnel 2>
    psk: <PSK Tunnel 2>
  • bgp_remote_as refers to the ASN of the Virtual Private Gateway, and is strictly used by the BGP Daemon offered by Quagga.
    • BGP is used to propagate routes to-and-from AWS.
    • When a Site-to-Site VPN is configured to use Dynamic routing, it will state that the tunnel is Down if AWS cannot reach the BGP instance.
  • ipsec_tunnels is used by XFRM and strongSwan to;
    • Build one XFRM interface per-tunnel
    • Build one alias interface bound to each XFRM interface for static routing
    • Configure the static routing of the XFRM interfaces
    • Configure the BGP daemon neighbours
    • Configure one IPSec endpoint per-tunnel
    • Configure one IPSec tunnel for each XFRM interface

Required packages

I used three components for this workflow to function, and a last one for debugging security association errors.

  • strongswan-full
    • strongSwan provides an IPSec implementation for OpenWRT with full support for UCI. The -full variation of the package is overkill, but you never know!
  • quagga-bgpd
    • A BGP implementation light enough to run on OpenWRT. quagga comes in as a dependency
  • luci-proto-xfrm
    • A virtual interface for use by IPSec, where a tunnel requires a vif to bind to.
  • ip-full
    • Provides an xfrm argument for debugging IPSec connections with.
name: install required packages
  name: "{{ item }}"
  - strongswan-full
  - quagga-bgpd
  - luci-proto-xfrm
  - ip-full

Adding the XFRM Interface

OpenWRT LuCI dashboard, showing the final result of the interfaces tab. I declare two XFRM interfaces, one per VPN tunnel provided by AWS, each with an IPv4 assigned that matches the Inside IPv4 CIDRs defined within the AWS Site-to-site configuration. The IPv4 address is applied to an alias of the adapter rather than the adapter itself as the XFRM interface doesn’t support static IP addressing via UCI.
Ansible Task
name: configure xfrm adapter
  command: section
  key: network
  type: interface
  name: "{{ }}"
    tunlink: 'wan'
    mtu: '1300'
    proto: xfrm
    ifid: "{{ item.ifid }}"
loop: "{{ ipsec_tunnels }}"
/etc/config/network – UCI Configuration
config interface 'xfrm0'
	option ifid '301'
	option tunlink 'wan'
	option mtu '1300'
	option proto 'xfrm'

config interface 'xfrm1'
	option tunlink 'wan'
	option mtu '1300'
	option proto 'xfrm'
	option ifid '302'

I use the uci task to deploy adapter configurations. I create one interface per-tunnel provided by AWS.

  • tunlink sets the IPSec tunnel to connect to & from the wan interface
  • mtu is 1300 by default, I didn’t need to configure this value
  • ifid is defined as strongSwan will use this to bind an IPSec tunnel to a network interface. This is separate from the name of the interface.

AWS needs to communicate with the BGP instance running on OpenWRT. The value of Inside IPv4 CIDR instructs AWS which IPs to listen on for their BGP instance, and which IP to connect to for fetching routes. The CIDRs will be restricted to the /30 prefix, which provides the range of 4 IP addresses, 2 of which are usable.

As an example, here is the Inside IPv4 CIDR of and what that means.

IP IndexIP AddressResponsibility
0169.254.181.60Network address
1169.254.181.61IP Address reserved for AWS-side of the IPSec tunnel
2169.254.181.62IP Address reserved for the OpenWRT-side of the IPSec tunnel
3169.254.181.63Broadcast address

With this known, we know that;

On the AWS side of the IPSec tunnelOn the OpenWRT side of the IPSec tunnel
AWS has a BGP instance listening on the IP Address on the first index ( )OpenWRT needs to be configured to use the IP address on the second index (
AWS is expecting a BGP neighbour on the second index ( )The BGP daemon running on OpenWRT needs to be configured to use the neighbor at the first index (
AWS knows how to route traffic across the networkOpenWRT needs to know to route traffic on the network.

Configuring the IP Address on the IPSec tunnel

I create an alias on top of the originating XFRM interface so that I can utilize the static protocol within UCI to configure static routing in a declarative way.

Ansible Task
name: create xfrm alias for static addressing
  command: section
  key: network
  type: interface
  name: "{{ }}_s"
    proto: static
      - "{{ item.inside_addr | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(2) }}"
    device: "@{{ }}"
loop: "{{ ipsec_tunnels }}"
/etc/config/network – UCI Configuration
config interface 'xfrm0_s'
	option proto 'static'
	option device '@xfrm0'
	list ipaddr ''

config interface 'xfrm1_s'
	option proto 'static'
	list ipaddr ''
	option device '@xfrm1'

I use ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(2) to simplify my Ansible configuration. inside_addr is and these functions simply increase the IP address by two, giving the result of

This will ensure two things;

  • The xfrm interface persistently holds the IP Address
  • The Linux routing table holds a route of via the xfrm interface

This resolves the issue of OpenWRT knowing what IP Address to use and how to route the traffic.

Setting up IPSec

Because I’m using strongSwan, I can also use UCI to configure the IPSec tunnel. With this workflow, IPSec configuration is broken down into three elements;

  • Endpoint
    • Primarily what’s known as “IKE Phase 1”. This is the “How I will connect to the other end”.
  • Tunnel
    • Primarily known as “IKE Phase 2”. This is the “How do I pass traffic through to the other end”.
  • Encryption
    • A set of rules to describe how to handle the cryptography.

IPSec Encryption

What’s defined here drives whether Phase 1 will succeed, and must match the AWS VPN Encryption settings.

Ansible Task
name: define ipsec encryption
  command: section
  key: ipsec
  type: crypto_proposal
  name: "aws"
    is_esp: '1'
    dh_group: modp1024
    hash_algorithm: sha1
/etc/config/ipsec – UCI Configuration
config crypto_proposal 'aws'
	option is_esp '1'
	option dh_group 'modp1024'
	option encryption_algorithm 'aes128'
	option hash_algorithm 'sha1'

In my case, I’m;

  • Using AES128 for encryption of the traffic
  • Using SHA1 as the integrity algorithm for ensuring packets are correct upon arrival
  • Naming the crypto_proposal aws for use by the Endpoint and the Tunnel

AES128 and SHA1 are supported by the configuration defined on the VPN configuration above.

Declaring the IPSec Endpoint

Ansible Task
name: configure ipsec remote
  command: section
  key: ipsec
  type: remote
  name: "{{ }}_ep"
    enabled: "1"
    gateway: "{{ item.gateway }}"
    local_gateway: "<Public IP>"
    local_ip: ""
      - aws
      - "{{ }}"
    authentication_method: psk
    pre_shared_key: "{{ item.psk }}"
    fragmentation: yes
    keyingretries: '3'
    dpddelay: '30s'
    keyexchange: ikev2
loop: "{{ ipsec_tunnels }}"
/etc/config/ipsec – UCI Configuration
config remote 'xfrm0_ep'
	option enabled '1'
	option gateway '<Tunnel 1 IP>'
	option local_gateway '<Public IP>'
	option local_ip ''
	list crypto_proposal 'ike2'
	list tunnel 'xfrm0'
	option authentication_method 'psk'
	option pre_shared_key '<PSK>'
	option fragmentation '1'
	option keyingretries '3'
	option dpddelay '30s'
	option keyexchange 'ikev2'

config remote 'xfrm1_ep'
	option enabled '1'
	option gateway '<Tunnel 2 IP>'
	option local_gateway '<Public IP>'
	option local_ip ''
	list crypto_proposal 'ike2'
	list tunnel 'xfrm1'
	option authentication_method 'psk'
	option pre_shared_key '<PSK>'
	option fragmentation '1'
	option keyingretries '3'
	option dpddelay '30s'
	option keyexchange 'ikev2'
  • The gateway is known as the Outside IP Address on AWS
  • local_gateway points to the WAN Address of OpenWRT
  • local_ip points to the LAN address of OpenWRT
  • crypto_proposal points to aws (Defined above)
  • tunnel points to the name of the interface that this IPSec endpoint represents.
    • Since there are two IPSec endpoints, two of these remotes are created. I use the interface name (from xfrm) across all duplicates to make sure that it’s visibly clear what’s being used where.
  • pre_shared_key is the PSK that gets generated (or set) within the VPN Tunnel.
    • This is unique per-tunnel, meaning that there should be two different PSKs per Site-to-site VPN connection. They can be found under the Modify VPN Tunnel Options selection.

Configuring the IPSec Tunnel

The tunnel instructs strongSwan how to bind the IPSec tunnel to an interface. The key here is the ifid of the XFRM interfaces defined earlier.

Ansible Task
name: configure ipsec tunnel
  command: section
  key: ipsec
  type: tunnel
  name: "{{ }}"
    startaction: start
    closeaction: start
    crypto_proposal: aws
    dpdaction: start
    if_id: "{{ item.ifid }}"
    local_ip: ""
loop: "{{ ipsec_tunnels }}"
/etc/config/ipsec – UCI Configuration
config tunnel 'xfrm0'
	option startaction 'start'
	option closeaction 'start'
	option crypto_proposal 'ike2'
	option dpdaction 'start'
	option if_id '301'
	option local_ip ''
	list local_subnet ''
	list remote_subnet ''

config tunnel 'xfrm1'
	option startaction 'start'
	option closeaction 'start'
	option crypto_proposal 'ike2'
	option dpdaction 'start'
	option if_id '302'
	option local_ip ''
	list local_subnet ''
	list remote_subnet ''
  • Like the AWS configuration, I define the local_subnet and remote_subnet to This is so I can focus on testing connectivity.
  • if_id points to the XFRM interface that’s representing the tunnel in iteration.
    • The if_id must match the tunnel in iteration, as the Inside IPv4 CIDRs have been bound to an interface.

Configuring BGP on OpenWRT

In order to apply BGP routes on the AWS-side, route propagation must be enabled on a routing table level. Otherwise, a static route pointing to my home IP Address ( via the Virtual Private Gateway must be declared.

I opted for Quagga when using BGP on OpenWRT.

router bgp 65000
bgp router-id {{ ipsec_inside_cidrs[0] | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(2) | split('/') | first }}
{% for ipsec_inside_cidr in ipsec_inside_cidrs %}
neighbor {{ ipsec_inside_cidr | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(1) | split('/') | first }} remote-as {{ bgp_remote_as }}
neighbor {{ ipsec_inside_cidr | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(1) | split('/') | first }} soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor {{ ipsec_inside_cidr | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(1) | split('/') | first }} distribute-list localnet in
neighbor {{ ipsec_inside_cidr | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(1) | split('/') | first }} distribute-list all out
neighbor {{ ipsec_inside_cidr | ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(1) | split('/') | first }} ebgp-multihop 2
{% endfor %}
/etc/quagga/bgpd.conf – Rendered Template
router bgp 65000
bgp router-id
neighbor remote-as 64512
neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor distribute-list localnet in
neighbor distribute-list all out
neighbor ebgp-multihop 2
neighbor remote-as 64512
neighbor soft-reconfiguration inbound
neighbor distribute-list localnet in
neighbor distribute-list all out
neighbor ebgp-multihop 2
  • Like earlier, I use ipaddr('net') | ipaddr(1) to increment the IP address from the CIDR
  • remote-as defines the AWS-side ASN.
    • BGP at its’ core defines routes based on path to AS, a layer on-top of IP Addresses.
    • It’s designed to work with direct connections, not over-the-internet.
      • ISPs & exchanges will, however, use BGP at their level to forward the traffic on.
  • router bgp states what the ASN of the OpenWRT router is. Because I used the default of 65000 from AWS, I place that here.
  • bgp router-id is set to the first XFRM interface’s IP address, since the same BGP instance will be shared by both tunnels in the event that one tunnel goes down. AWS does not do a validation check on the router-id.

Verifying the connection to IPSec

Using the swanctl command, I can identify whether my applied configuration is successful when logged into my OpenWRT router using SSH.

Start swanctl

I don’t use the legacy ipsec init script, instead, directly using the swanctl one. Under the hood, this will convert the UCI configuration into a strongSwan configuration located at /var/swanctl/swanctl.conf

/etc/init.d/swanctl start
ipsec statusall
Output of the ipsec statusall command, where both VPN tunnels are ESTABLISHED and INSTALLED. Established denotes that IKE Phase 1 (Encryption negotiation) was successful and Installed denotes that IKE Phase 2 (Authorization, the tunnel creation itself) was successful and is now in use.
Connection can also be verified from the AWS Console, by looking at the value of Details. If the connection doesn’t say IPSEC IS DOWN, the connection was successful. Status is only up when BGP can be reached from AWS. When using Dynamic (not static) routing in the configuration for Site-to-Site, AWS doesn’t declare a connection up unless BGP is reachable at the second address available in the Inside IPv4 CIDR.

Routing traffic to & from the XFRM Interface

I finally need to instruct OpenWRT to forward packets that are destined to xfrm0 or xfrm1 to be allowed. The fact that the Linux routing table will state that is accessed via xfrm0, which is applied via BGP is enough to know that either xfrm0 or xfrm1 is the interface required.

By default, a flag of REJECT is defined. By applying the following firewall rule, packet successfully go through to the AWS VPC.

Ansible Task
name: install firewall zone
  command: section
  key: firewall
  type: zone
    name: 'tunnel'
    input: REJECT
    output: ACCEPT
    forward: REJECT
      - xfrm0
      - xfrm1
name: install firewall forwarding
  command: section
  key: firewall
  type: forwarding
    dest: 'tunnel'
    src: lan
/etc/config/firewall – UCI Configuration
config zone
	option name 'tunnel'
	option input 'REJECT'
	option output 'ACCEPT'
	option forward 'REJECT'
	list network 'xfrm0' 'xfrm1'

config forwarding
	option src 'lan'
	option dest 'tunnel'

Final tasks

The final steps of the Ansible playbook is to instruct the UCI framework to save the changes to the disk, and to reload the configuration of all services required.

name: commit changes
  command: commit
name: enable required services
  name: "{{ item }}"
  enabled: yes
  state: reloaded
  - swanctl
  - quagga
  - network

I then invoke the Ansible playbook by using a local-exec provisioner on a null_resource within terraform, where the AWS Site-to-Site resource is a dependency. Along the lines of:

resource "null_resource" "cluster" {
  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = <<EOT
  ansible-playbook \
    -I ${var.openwrt_address}, \
    -e 'aws_tunnel_ips=${aws_vpn_connection.main.tunnel1_address},${aws_vpn_connection.tunnel2_address}' 
    playbook.yaml \
    -e 'aws_psk=${aws_vpn_connection.main.tunnel1_preshared_key},${aws_vpn_connection.main.tunnel2_preshared_key}' 

This is a shortened version of what I have, but by simply piping the Ansible playbook with the outputs of the AWS Site-to-Site Resource, my router is automatically configured correctly when I create a Site-to-Site resource.

With IPSec now deployed, I can communicate directly with my resources hosted on AWS as if it were local.

Posted in Ansible, Automation, AWS, Cloud, DevOps, TerraformTags:
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